Recreational Soccer Youth Yearly Season includes the Fall of the current year and Spring of the upcoming year. It is offered for girls and boys ages are 4 through 17/18 . The Fall Soccer Session Registration is held yearly during the month of JULY.
The Spring Soccer Session Registration is held yearly during the Month of JANUARY.
ONLINE REGISTRATION and PAYMENT LINKS will be active during the months mentioned above
Season Games usually begin in March or September and end by early May or November.
Absolute Deadline for Registration will be the 31th of July and/or January. Youth players, both boys and girls that are age are 4 through 17/18 are eligible to play and should be registered early
Summer Soccer Camp in Lakewood
LPOA Soccer Camps are held during the summer. Dates and times will vary so please check be in April/May to see available dates. Online Registration and Payment Forms Links will be put our website homepage update section www,
The purpose of the LPOA soccer program is to offer every child, regardless of his or her skill level or experience, the opportunity to participate in a healthful, wholesome activity both physically and mentally. Values of individual worth, sportsmanship, and team competition are stressed in an atmosphere of understanding and fair play.
Soccer is open to children Ages 4-17/18.
The new age divisions/determination set by the state soccer association : Player age division is determined by the child's age as of the calendar year January 1st - December 31st . If a child turns 8 during the above period "this" year they would play in the U9 league in the Fall and Spring.
LPOA Soccer Goals:
- Teach and promote the game of soccer.
- Install a knowledge of and feeling for team or group relationships and responsibilities.
- Through the examples of the coaches and parents, every player should see the value of sportsmanship, team work, and competition.
- The development of skills and physical conditions to the maximum of each player's ability.
For more information about Sponsoring LPOA Youth Sports Programs, or volunteering to coach, please call 501-753-4937.