News & Updates
Here, you’ll find all our current news and important announcements.
November 18, 2024
Congratulations to all the Lakewood teams that participated in the ASSA Novemberrrr Blast!!!
December 5, 2024
The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) has issued a Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Advisory for Lake #1 due to the presence of Blue-Green Algae Blooms in this lake.
Due to the much warmer than average temperatures over the last month, below normal rainfall amounts for the last two months, increased and more concentrate nutrient levels due to the low water flow rate and additional waste that continues to be produced by the large numbers of Domestic Ducks and Geese, and abundant amounts of sunshine over the past month and a half, the Blue Green Algae in these two lakes has greatly increased. They have posted their Advisory Signs around Lake #1.
We have been advised that the best treatment for these types of algal blooms is to let them run their natural course. You can help by not dumping any of your yard waste items like grass, leaves, and other types of vegetation into any of the lakes. You can also help by not feeding any the ducks and geese within the Lakewood boundary. As long as residents continue to feed the waterfowl the problems will continue to get worse.
December 5, 2024
Upcoming Spring 2025 youth sports registrations:
Spring Soccer (ages 3-18) info and link open now!
Spring Baseball (ages 3-16) info and link available in Mid January 2025
Spring Girls Softball (ages 7-12) info and link available Late January 2025
December 5, 2024
December through February are a great time to play Tennis or Pickleball in Lakewood!
For more information on leagues and lessons please contact one of our Tennis Pros, Derek Nordentoft at 501-425-2673 or Alex Dority at 501-944-7197 or email them at
Derek -
December 5, 2024
ALL WATERCRAFT (motorized or non-motorized) that is used on ANY one of our 6 Lakes MUST be registered for the current year.
Please follow AGFC “Fish Limit” Guidelines.
December 5, 2024
DO NOT FEED the DUCKS & GEESE on any our Lakewood Lakes, lakeshores, or in your own yards that are adjacent to or near of any of the lakes. These feral “farm birds” are continually producing unhealthy conditions for our community, our lakes, the surrounding environments and our parks and recreational areas. ** Effective October 2023, The LRID board has recently acknowledged the City of North Little Rock’s Nuisance Animal Statute: 6.1.7-that makes it UNLAWFUL for any person to OWN, FEED, HARBOR, CARE FOR, INTERFERE WITH THE CAPTURE OF OR BE IN CONTROL OF ANY NUISANCE ANIMALS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS. The large populations of DOMESTIC DUCKS AND GEESE have also been acknowledged by our LRID Board and the City of North Little Rock’s Releasing Animals in Public Place Statute: 6.1.8– that it shall be UNLAWFUL for ANY PERSON TO KNOWINGLY RELEASE ANY ANIMAL IN ANY PUBLIC PLACE WITHIN THE CITY OF NORTH LITTLE ROCK.
DO NOT RELEASE NON-NATIVE DUCKS and GEESE or Pet Koi or GoldFish on ANY of OUR LAKEWOOD LAKES! These/Our lakes are not any individuals own personal lake; they belong to our entire community. Non-Native “Fowl” Swans, Ducks or Geese (like Moscovy Ducks, Chinese Crested and Toulouse Geese, Peking Ducks, Black-bellied Tree Ducks to name a few) continue to OVERPOPULATE and our lakes.
These large numbers of invasive species of animal harm the natural environment by eating, polluting, and destroying all of OUR NATIVE animals (including waterfowl and fish) natural food source and suitable habitat.